UK App Developers: Why We Use Admob in 2020?

UK App Developers: Why We Use Admob in 2020?

Hi. This is a Developer Pk. My name is Rehmat and I make Apps.
Now this week I want to talk about why we use AdMob for all of our ads.

Okay so as a UK app developer who has a lot of apps that are free on the market, one of the things I'm always thinking about it "How do I make money from them?"
So the way we may money . . . and the way most app developer make money . . . is through
advertisements within the app. In order to put  many ads with in the app, there
different ad networks you could use. You could go out and find your own advertisers
and your own sponsors but that would take such a long time.
They probably wouldn't want to pay you specifically for you app until you've built a user-base

So, we use AdMob. And AdMob is one of the
big ad providers out there. There are lots. We've tried lots of them.
We've tried Chartboost, Revmob, AdColony, Flurry, TapJoy . . . all of them. And the
reason why always keep coming back to Admob is because Admob seems to grow consistently
over time and it seems to be better supported on Android and outside the United States.
A lof of app developers I talk to say "You get higher click through rates on Flurry"
or "You get higher impression . . . " and everything. But they seem to have apps that
are more focused on, say, iPhone. In fact most app developers who give you advice are
very focused on iPhone. And also they are focused within the States.

So I was finding that Ad impressions within Brazil on Android were horrible. And that's
one of the biggest user bases we have. So that's one of the reasons why move away
from AdMob, thinking of all the promises of coming to a new network.
In fact, if you get enough downloads, that's one the biggest bits of spam you get or people
calling you to say "Hey, Eric, I want to know if you've ever thought about App Monetization."
As if it was a new think I never think about. So every time there are promises of a higher
click through rate or whatever, and I should move over to them . . . but they don't have
the size that AdMob has. So as much as it is frowned upon to be an
app developer that uses AdMob, I stick with AdMob.

All the Ads you see in our apps are from Admob. And there's also one more reason. It's because
I had an app pulled (suspended) about a year ago. And the reason they said was that I had
malware in my app. I thought, "there's no malware in this. I know the code backwards
and forwards. There is definitely no malware." It's just these ad network providers.
And I think what it was is that one of the ones that were a little bit more . . . they
promise a high click rate but weren't quite legit . . . 

so I'm putting their code (SDK)
within my app. One thing with AdMob, since it's owned by
Google, I don't have to worry about them shutting something down because somebody sneaks something

Anyway, for what it's worth, you could go
with whatever ad network you like. Please tell me if you find one that works
better . . . especially if it works better outside the United States, in foreign languages,
and on Android. Because for me, it's been AdMob all the way.
Every time I've left, I've regretted it and had to come back to use Admob.
So that's it for this week. Now if you are watching this on the iTunes podcast, please
leave a review. I'd love to know what you think.

And if you are watching this on Youtube, leave a comment . . . or Facebook or LinkedIn. Please
leave a comment. AND I want to tell you about a new game we
released this week. It's called Mandarin Flash Quiz.

It's a very high-speed, learn Mandarin Game. If you are a Mandarin learner like myself,
please go download it. It's on Google Play now. It will be on iTunes
within the next few weeks. That's it. I'll talk to you next week.

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